Sarka Photography Santa Barbara and San Francisco Bay Area newborn, baby, children, family, pet, events and travel photographer Fri, 07 May 2021 22:17:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Sarka Photography 32 32 Santa Barbara Pregnancy – Cindy Thu, 06 May 2021 16:37:10 +0000

I’m so excited for this gorgeous mama and her family expecting baby girl #2! We had so much fun exploring this little park and documenting their time together before baby’s arrival.

Molly – Santa Barbara Pet photography Sun, 18 Aug 2019 21:02:32 +0000 Furry family members deserve to have their portraits taken too!  Miss Molly was definitely ready to pose and snuggle up next to her Mama, of course, in exchange for same tasty treats :)  It’s so much fun to see and photograph dogs’ personalities and the special bond they have with their owners. Miss Molly is a Taiwanese dog, rescued and adopted by her Mama all the way from Taiwan. They have been together for over a year now and their bond & love for each other grows every day.

Montecito pet portrait with her owner


professional pet portrait by Montecito pet photographer Sarka

pet and owner portrait in Santa Barbara

Sophia – Santa Barbara newborn photography Thu, 15 Aug 2019 00:35:20 +0000 If I were giving awards for the smiliest baby of the year, Sophia would definitely be a winner. So happy we were able to capture her beautiful smiles during her first photo shoot. She is just nine days old and such a happy baby! I’m sure these smiles will make her mommy smile too :)

newborn baby girl smiling during her baby portrait session in Santa Barbara countynewborn baby girl snuggling a stuffed animal bunny during her baby photo session in Santa Barbara newborn baby girl softly smiling while her mom is kissing her cheek for their baby portrait

Twins newborn photography – Santa Barbara Tue, 06 Aug 2019 17:51:47 +0000 Oh what a fun photo session with these adorable twins! They were snuggling and posing like pros. Their daddy works for the Santa Barbara Country Fire Department so we had to get his little heroes nice and comfy in his uniform.

newborn twins sleeping next to each other during their newborn photo session in Santa Barbara

newborn twins hugging each other during their newborn photo session in Santa Barbara


Hayes – Solvang newborn photography Sat, 13 Jul 2019 04:29:07 +0000 Few weeks ago, I photographed one glowing mama and now, her perfect little bundle of joy is here! How handsome is this little guy?  So sweet and smiley, and happy to be in his parents’ and brother’s arms :) Welcome to the world sweet baby boy Hayes!

Solvang newborn baby boy smiling when sleeping during his baby portrait session newborn baby boy snuggling with a teddy bear during his newborn photo session in Carpinteria  young parents holding their newborn boy during family photo session in Santa Barbara older brother holding his newborn brother in his arm during his family photo session in Santa Barbara



Santa Barbara Maternity Photo Session – Eva Tue, 25 Jun 2019 03:31:43 +0000 Although we went straight from “May Gray” to “June Gloom”, we got lucky on Eva’s maternity photoshoot. The sun poked between the clouds just enough to catch some of the warm golden light, followed by a dreamy sunset.  This gorgeous mama is just glowing and very excited to meet her baby boy soon! I can’t wait to meet the little man for his newborn session and document this very special time for this beautiful family.

baby bump in sunny grass field

beautiful mom posing with her baby bump on the bluffs overlooking the ocean

light and dreamy beach pregnancy portraits during Santa Barbra sunset

expecting mom and her baby bump highlighted silhouette on the bluffs overlooking the ocean in Santa Barbara county

NYC Central Park Family Photo Session Fri, 19 Apr 2019 21:41:04 +0000 On my recent trip to New York, I met up with this sweet family for some fun photos in Central Park. Spring is definitely delayed this year. It has been rainy and cold but we got lucky and found one beautiful blooming tree and the sun even peaked out for us for a few minutes.  I have been photographing the kiddos since they were babies and it’s been so much fun watching them grow :) Can’t wait till next time!

family with young children posing during their family photo session in Central Park New York

children holding hands on a staircase during their family photo session in Central Park New York


Emma – Santa Barbara newborn baby girl Wed, 27 Mar 2019 18:35:55 +0000 Sweet baby girl Emma is such a perfect little bundle! Just a few days new, she came with her wonderful parents to my Carpinteria studio for her newborn photo session. She was taking a few mini naps and comfortably dreaming away. And while she was awake, we were able to capture some nice photos with her eyes wide open. Emma is definitely ready to see the world!

baby girl lying next to a knitted teddy bear

newborn portrait of baby girl sleeping on a pink furry blanket



Javier – Newborn photo session Santa Barbara Wed, 06 Mar 2019 01:57:32 +0000 Baby boy Javier did such a good job snuggling his big sister and a cute teddy bear during his first photo session. Such a sweetie, he rocked the shoot!

newborn baby boy sleeping swaddled on a furry blanket during his newborn photo session older sister holding her newborn baby brother created by Santa Barbara family photographer

Pregnancy photo session – Santa Barbara Fri, 16 Nov 2018 22:52:57 +0000 Dreamy sunset, beautiful couple and their perfect baby bump. What a magical & fun photo session! I can’t wait to meet the little one in a few weeks.

expecting mama and her husband posing for their pregnancy photo session in Santa Barbara by sarkaphotography expecting couple leaning in for a kiss at sunset during their pregnancy photo session in Santa Barbara
